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27 mar 2016 , Redigerad 27 mar 2016   #0
Vi har varit för upptagna med äggfrosseriet helt enkelt. Men nu är servern wipad och uppdaterad.

Det händer mycke i utvecklingen av spelet, här är en lista på de nyaste uppdateringarna från deras changelist:

VERSION (9-MAR-2016)
Major refactor to the way maps are loaded to support the Map SDK. Player made maps can now be loaded into the engine.
Added ambient sounds for each biome, and day/night
Added 3 new ambient music tracks
Added writable signs
Added guard for players getting below terrain
Added crosshair progress indicator when mining resource nodes
Fixed issues with mouse remapping
Fixed an issue where placing construction items while jumping could push you through walls
Added Blizzard weather event, which will make you much colder if you're out in the open
Improved UI performance
Made pistol significantly cheaper
Added ambient visual effects for Forest and Arctic biomes (leaves and snow)
Made structures have a distance based LOD as well as screen space, to improve client performance
Changed drill placement so the construction item itself enforces the exclusion distance - you will not be able to place drills close to each other
Made ownership stake smoke significantly more efficient
Made ownership stakes only begin smoking 20 minutes from their deathorisation
The Goat's Mangler wheel can now be shot out properly
Cars are now can't be claimed if they're not drivable (have 4 wheels, engine, gearbox)
Cars are now able to be dissasembled with the Wrench if they are claimed, at a slower rate than unclaimed cars
Disassembled cars now drop better loot
Vastly improved server performance on player connection and disconnection
Improved 3rd person crouched bow pose
Infamy will now not be reduced by death
Added a Binary Effects display to the hotbar (e.g. Burning, Hypothermia, Starving, etc)
Added Binary Effects visuals for Burning, Wet, and Poisoned
Being an outlaw will now make your nametag red for other players
Added AFK kicker - players will be kicked automatically if they are detected as inactive. You can set this with afkkicktime <seconds> (default is 15 minutes)
Fixed issue where savegames could fail to save player progress if they took too long to disconnect
Upgraded to Unity 5.3.2p4
Fixed a major server side performance issue when sending new objects to clients
Added new console command bakenavmesh <map> which will create a new AI navmesh for player made maps
Disabled some APIs being used to fake player numbers
Made gunsmoke less intensive on FPS
Extended server and client FPS readouts to format <average> (<min> - <max>) , the min and max show the fastest and slowest frame across the sample. Helping debug fps spikes.
Added force single threaded renderer launch option, some machines see a large drop in input latency with this set. Framerates will be slightly lower, but overall feels tighter to me.
Fixed some scenarios where the shotgun would get into a broken state and keep reloading
Improved vehicle exits to make them less likely to push players through walls
Fixed an issue where placing an ownership stake while there was currently one deauthorising would make that stake not work

VERSION (18-MAR-2016)
- Fixed pitcher plant placement and despawn
- Fixed issue where binary effects wouldn't stack properly in the interface
- Added proper configuration for Sunscreen binary effect
- Made construction menu usable at low resolutions
- Added vehicle unclaim button to player inventory - you can now unclaim your car at any time by going into your inventory, clicking the cog icon, and clicking "Unclaim Current Vehicle"
- Fixed missing salt flats in Diemensland
- Fixed blast furnace low lod texture
- Made signs in claimed territories only editable by authorised players
- Fixed shader issue with sky not displaying correctly on OpenGL
- Increased vehicle maximum cap in Diemensland
- Added community made map - arena_valley by Anthony Cuellar!

VERSION (18-MAR-2016)
- Reenabled autowipe
- Added featured community servers (more on this soon!)
- Added minimize button to chat winow, next to scroll buttons

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